Tuesday 7 October 2014

Foraging for Blackberries & Finding Inspiration...

After reading one of Lori of Not Forgotten Farm posts where she had gone back to her home town for a visit and went round the cemetery there and found a carving on a headstone which she converted into a punch needle pattern. Sooooo I thought I'd do the same.
One dull grey afternoon inbetween rain showers I went out with my basket and camera.
I collected some blackberries on the way to the cemetery, but not many, I think I left it a bit late to get a good harvest. Anyhoo, I carried on to the cemetary where I found some more blackberries bushes and ended up with enough for 1 pie, (they are now washed and in the freezer ready for use at Christmas).
I took a number of snaps, here are some of my favourites:

These three angels, all slightly different could be converted into a pattern for punch needle, rug hook or cross stitch; I haven't made up my mind yet.

This lady I think will be my first punch needle pattern, just waiting for my tool to come and I will start experimenting.

This one has what looks like a greyhound on it, it's an old headstone and has been battered by the weather, this could be a good punch needle or rug hook pattern.
This one has a diving bird on it, again it's not terribly clear as the stone is so weathered.
I will go to the other cemetery outside St. Mary's church in Burnham and see what inspiration I find there.
Blessed Be
Julie x


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