Friday 10 March 2017

Sofa bed rejuvinated

In my last post I said I was going to be making a cover for our sofa bed that resides in our newly decorated 3rd bedroom aka 'the Green Room'.

Well here are some photos of before during and after

 Before, my husband didn't think it needed covering as it has green stripes in the fabric. But all I could see was blue and that just wasn't right.

This is about half way through, as I was using a pair of curtains purchased from a charity shop (I bought 2 fully lined pairs), I knew that as I wanted to hang the other pair at the window I wouldn't have enough fabric to completely cover it so I used the some of the lining fabric on the inside of the back. The very front panel is just pinned on to see what it would look like. 

This is the after photo. The underside of the the seat pads i used the ling fabric again and just made a sack shape popped the seat pad inside and folded and tucked the excess underneath at one end.

There was just enough fabric left for the back cushion. again I made a sack shape and stuffed the cushion pads inside, that was quite a struggle as it is a very tight fit but looks good.

I would like to add at this point that I have never done this before, I have had no training in loos cover making or upholstery. Like all Folk Artists I am self taught and will have a go at anything.

I hemmed the front panel all round and staple gunned it along the top edge and the ends sit under the front side panels perfectly. the whole cover including the front panel are easily removed for laundering.

excuse the ironing board but I was pressing the cover as I went along.

This is the other pair hung temporarily at the window to see what they looked looked like. I say temporarily because the curtain pole had to come down as the wall where the cupboard is had to be wallpapered as it wasn't in good enough condition to leave painted.

I failed to take some before pictures of this room, but it was wallpapered all round and we decided that we would just paint as it would be easier to refresh when necessary. but when the paper was removed we discovered that at some point cork tiles had been glued to the wall and there was a lot of residue left. Our decorator did his best but it just looked awful so now it has been papered. I will post finished pictures once I have fully dressed the room.

We have decorated this room, the fourth bedroom aka 'The blue Room' (we have 5!), downstairs cloakroom and halfway through the dining room. Next week the dining room should be finished along with our second bedroom aka 'The Pink Room'. And no we don't have a Red Room LOL (for those who have either read or seen the 50 Shades movies).

I will share the finished rooms in due course.

Have a wonderful Friday.

Julie x

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