Sunday 15 February 2015

Business tips and ideas...

I've been looking for ways to improve and build my little business. I purchased March edition of Country Living magazine the other day and they have started a new series entitled Let your Talent Shine. This Month is The Crafter. It is very good article full of useful and helpful hints and tips. I will certainly be giving some of these a try.
It spoke about doing craft classes, which is something I am very interested in doing and I am in the process of organising some to be held at work in the lunch break. These classes will help raise funds for the Breast Cancer Unit at Southend Hospital.
The article also gave some very useful websites to look at: - for starting up and social media. - for new business e-course.
I hope those of you trying to do the same thing as me will find to helpful too.
Blessed Be
Julie x 

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