Friday 20 February 2015

Folksy store versus Etsy store...

I have listed more items in my Esty store. I am listing items that are also in my Folksy store as at the moment I am not sure if I will keep Folksy going. I haven't renewed my plus account this year, I want to see how well my Etsy store does first. If Esty proves to be the better selling platform I will probably close my Folksy store altogether. 
My Etsy store is very new and will take time to be productive. Folksy has been slow, I have sold 18 items in the 4 years I have had it, which quite frankly is shockingly poor, but I know it's as much down to me not marketing it properly as the site. the major problem with Folksy is that no one seems to have heard of it, at least with Etsy some people have heard of it which is why I want to give it a go. As I mentioned in my previous post Business tips & ideas instead of just reading about them I am going to put some of them into action.
I do find it difficult and tiring sometimes trying to do the best for my business, juggling a demanding day job, home and part time craft business; but unless I put some effort in I won't get anything out.
I am having a lesson in using my new camera for taking photos for online selling from my friend Sarah and in return I will be showing her to use paint to age and distress pieces of furniture. This is planned for March 6th so I will bring you an update then and hopefully show my new found prowess in photography.
Prim Blessings
Julie x

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