Saturday 27 June 2015

Housework can wait...

I have decided that after many days and weeks of cold weather and working in the garden, the one day of gorgeousness will not be spent indoors doing housework.
So here I am sitting out on the decking enjoying a lovely cup of hazelnut cinnamon coffee and about to write a proposal for creating a craft club at work.
My view from the decking
laptop, proposal notes & coffee

The idea will be to get like minded folks together to  chat, share and work on projects. It will also be open to people who want to learn a craft, especially if retirement is looming and they want a hobby. We will also do presentations and demonstrations as well as classes.

I still have the idea to hold small classes at home. I will see how the ones at work go first.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering what the fluffy duster is for, it was to get rid of the cobwebs on the seat ;o).


From the Cabin

Catch y'all soon


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